Start: San Martino di Castrozza
Finish: Fiera di Primiero (village center)

Elevation gain: 448 m 
Elevation loss: 1198 m

Course details:

– 18% mule track
– 16% paved road
– 44% forest road 
– 22% path




After the dramatic storm that happened in October 2018, we initially thought it would have been possible to run along the previous editions route. However, once we have acknowledged the current situation, we have come to the conclusion that some changes are necessary. Therefore, the Primiero Dolomiti Marathon 2019 is going to develop along a slightly modified course. The San Martino di Castrozza Trail [26km] changes between the 16th and the 21st km.

The variant (RED color) does not change the races length. The variant develops on a higher and more panoramic gravel road and includes a downhill section of 500m on the paved road of “Camp”, for then converging on the original route’ path of “Via Nova”.